Postpartum and Newborn Care

2 690 Kč

How to prepare for the first days with your baby? Sign up for this four-hour evening course where you will learn everything you need to know. There will be ample opportunity for you to ask your unique questions.

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Postpartum and Newborn Care

Postpartum can be quite a journey, but it is possible to manage it well. It's no coincidence that in Czech, there is a saying: "Who is prepared is not surprised."

In our practical course Postpartum and Newborn Care, you will learn how to take care of your baby and yourself from A to Z. We will talk about the first hours and days with the baby, as well as what a woman experiences during this crucial period and how your partner and family can provide you with the best support.

You can enrol in the course at any time before labour, ideally between the 5th and 8th months of pregnancy. We recommend the presence of your partner during the course, but it is also possible to attend alone. 

  • Dates:
  • 3.12. 2024
  • Time:
  • 16:00-20:00 4 hours
  • Price:
  • 2690 Kč
  • for couple
  • Location:
  • Aperio Dřevná 2, Praha 2
  • Metro: Karlovo náměstí
  • Capacity:
  • max. 6 couples

What will you learn?

You will learn about taking care of the baby from A to Z:

  • What does a newborn baby look like and what it needs.
  • How to bathe and dress the baby and how to change its diaper.
  • The correct way to carry a baby for the health and comfort of both of you.
  • How to cradle and soothe the baby.
  • What newborn examinations to expect at the maternity hospital and during the first days after labor.
  • How to care for the baby's umbilical cord and handle neonatal hepatitis.

Postpartum is also about you, so we will talk about what a woman experiences during this period:

  • What changes to expect after labour, both physical and psychological.
  • How to get ready for a postpartum, what to prepare at home.
  • What type of professional help is available to you, and what exactly is covered by the insurance (pediatric and midwife visits, lactation counsellor, etc.).
  • How your partner and family can support you.
  • Why we have mood swings after the labour, what is „baby blues“ and what can help, we will also touch on the topic of postpartum depression, how to recognise it, and how to seek proper help.

We will also cover breastfeeding basics and essential information to know in advance:

  • The benefits of breastfeeding on-demand, allowing the baby to feed whenever they want.
  • Effective breastfeeding positions.
  • How to know if the baby drinks enough and is doing well.
  • Common breastfeeding problems and how to prevent them.
  • Dispelling common myths about breastfeeding.

Everything we teach in our courses is based on the principles of attachment parenting, developmental and relational psychollogy, and evidence-based medicine. From our own experience, we know that childbirth can also be a path to self-discovery and personal growth.

We are an independent nonprofit organization and have been preparing parents for childbirth and parenthood for 20 years. 

Did you know that you can use a contribution from your insurance company for the course? Read more in our article.



Bc. Rebeka



Is a midwife with a bachelor's degree, a graduate of the Aperio Academy of Childbirth Educators and a lactation consultant. She is the mother of 3 small children. "This period of life has always fascinated me, but it was only after having my own children that I realised how profound the changes are and at the same time how little things can make the journey more difficult or easier. I want to pass on this personal and professional experience to other women.“

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